Near-Death Experiences: What Do They Tell Us About God?

How Can We Possibly Comprehend God? No matter what we say about God, or the attributes we assign to God, we ultimately have no clear idea of God’s essence. “God is very unique, having no beginning, and having no end. The God of the Bible exists outside of our dimensions of time and space. So, any attempt to find analogies to help you to understand God will be lacking and incomplete. God is an uncreated being, and any attempt for finite people to understand or describe God will end up wanting.  Let’s say, just for fun, that there are two flat people, Jack and Jill who live in a two-dimensional plane. And let’s say these flat people have a loving creator who is a three-dimensional person that they have named “God.” So, we have a three-dimensional God who is the creator of two flat people who live in a two-dimensional world. As flat people live out their lives, they would wonder and speculate about their unseen creator. Within their two-dimensional world they could draw flat pictures or make diagrams of their creator, but they would have some serious difficulties trying to understand the nature of God from within their two-dimensional perspective. Sure, they could speculate and make analogies, but it would be very difficult for them to fathom. Now, how…….

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