By What Means Was God Made To Be Male?
Ever wonder why so many people are locked into the belief that God is male? Why not? you say! The Bible uses the pronoun “him” and “he” exclusively when referring to God. And Jesus called God “Father”. He taught the prayer, “Our Father, who art in heaven…”. Take the little boy who came home from Sunday School and announced to his mom that he now knew God’s name. Surprised, she asked what it was. “Howard”, her son replied. She wanted to know how he knew that. It says so in the prayer, he told her-“Our Father who art in heaven, Howard be thy name.” God’s male gender is so ingrained in most folks, that even a young child will almost always describe God as a man. Thus…how can I even think that God is not a man, nor of the male gender. Historical Look Back- Short and Sweet Enter- a short, succinct historical review of how come… Waaaay back, the goddess reigned. Why? Because women gave birth. Artifacts of the goddess consist primarily of a body trunk with large breasts and bulging hips. Yea for regeneration! The tribe survives! Fast forward a ways. OMG! The man had something to do with this birth thing. Not that it’s a two-fer thing, as in sperm AND egg. Nope. Male sperm was understood as weeny,…….
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